Need Recommendations: Searching Wegener’s Doc in Atlanta Area

I recently moved to Atlanta and find myself in a bit of a medical conundrum. I may or may not have Wegener's (I received a diagnosis previously, but the director at the Vasculitis Clinic at UCLA, where I sought a second opinion, acknowledged that my case is complex and requires close monitoring with frequent bloodwork).

I've come across some older posts inquiring about Atlanta doctors with expertise in Wegener's or those open to collaborating with out-of-town Wegener's specialists. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any conclusive answers, so I'm hoping to get some fresh ideas from you all.

Just to provide some context, Dr. Waltuck is currently not accepting new patients, and Dr. Khasnis, who was recommended to me by my previous doctor, doesn't seem to have an active profile anywhere. While Emory's Vasculitis Clinic may be a viable option, the doctor there significantly reduced the frequency of my bloodwork. However, I prefer more frequent monitoring as I do experience minor autoimmune symptoms, and I believe it's essential to catch any potential flare-ups early on.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or recommendations you may have. Thank you in advance for your help!


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