Bronchial Stenosis & Wegener’s

Today, I had a meeting with my pulmonologist to discuss an ongoing issue I've been experiencing for the past nine months. I've been struggling with increasingly difficult coughing episodes, where the congestion seems to be thickening and occasionally blocking my airway. Initially, I didn't associate it with my Wegener's Granulomatosis (WG) since I'm already on MTX, Prednisone, and Fluticasone (nasal steroid).

To my surprise, my pulmonologist suggested that if a culture doesn't show any bacterial presence, a bronchoscopy may be necessary to investigate a possible bronchial stenosis. I've already undergone two bronchoscopies in the past, so I expressed my anxiety about the procedure. Being awake while tubes are inserted into my throat with only numbing agents isn't a comfortable combination. However, my doctor reassured me that he would personally perform the procedure and ensure I receive heavy sedation. A relief, indeed!

After my appointment, my pulmonologist advised against Googling information about bronchial stenosis, as he didn't want me to worry unnecessarily. However, being someone who believes in the power of knowledge, I couldn't resist and immediately searched for more information when I arrived home. Interestingly, I discovered that while tracheal stenosis is a more common side effect of WG, bronchial stenosis is actually quite rare. This piqued my curiosity, and now I'm eager to hear from others in this vast forum who may have been diagnosed with or treated for bronchial stenosis in connection with WG.

If anyone has any feedback or personal experiences to share, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance!


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